e-LinguaTera https://jurnal.ubd.ac.id/index.php/pr <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/20210518161769439">eISSN: 2797-2666<br /></a></strong><strong><a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/20210602231221725">pISSN: 2797-3913</a></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal of "<strong>e-LinguaTera</strong>" is an open access journal system with an online version. It is managed by the Faculty of Social and Humanities, Universitas Buddhi Dharma. The main purpose of the <strong>"e-LinguaTera"</strong> journal is to provide of scientific publication for academic writers, researchers, and students to share contemporary any academical works in the fields of Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies, and Oral Tradition. This journal is expected to add the repertoire of knowledge and exchange of useful scientific information as the reference to the further of the research. <strong>"e-LinguaTera"</strong> has <strong>e-ISSN and p-ISSN</strong> validated by the National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (BRIN). In addition, the articles of the journal will be published once in 6 months. Authors may use English or Bahasa Indonesia to submit the article. The Editorial Board accepts scientific articles and journals based on the rule of writing template conducted by the <strong>e-LinguaTera</strong>'s Journal manager. </p> Fakultas Sosial dan Humaniora - Universitas Buddhi Dharma en-US e-LinguaTera 2797-3913 Naming Local Coffee Shop in Citra Raya, Tangerang: A Linguistic Landscape Study https://jurnal.ubd.ac.id/index.php/pr/article/view/3256 <p>This study examines the linguistic landscape of Citra Raya, a development by the Ciputra Group in Tangerang Regency, focusing on the dominant languages and meanings associated with the names of local coffee shops. The purpose of the research is to identify the prevalent languages used and analyze the significance behind the names of these establishments, reflecting the urban culture centered on coffee. A qualitative approach is employed, utilizing theories on language types and naming patterns to explore the impact of monolingualism, bilingualism, and multilingualism on the language and naming conventions. Primary data were gathered through direct interviews with informants. The results reveal that monolingual languages are predominant, with Indonesian and English each appearing on 34% of the 25 coffee shop signs. Bilingual signs are infrequent, with only one instance of Indonesian-Batak. The analysis of naming meanings shows a predominant focus on Social Actions, States, and Processes, with a notable theme of Comfort in associative meanings. Informants generally reported positive emotional responses, expressing happiness and contentment with the atmosphere of these coffee shops. The findings highlight the significant role of language in shaping the urban coffee culture of Citra Raya.</p> Agnes Marchella Simadirja Sonya Ayu Kumala Sonya Ayu Kumala Copyright (c) 2024 e-LinguaTera https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/pr/index 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 2 342 348 10.31253/lt.v4i2.3256 The Illocutionary Types of Speech Acts Found in Trevor Noah’s Stand-Up Comedy Show Called 'Afraid of the Dark' https://jurnal.ubd.ac.id/index.php/pr/article/view/3366 <p>Humor contains various components that lend itself to the study of language. This study focuses on the usage of illocutionary speech acts in Trevor Noah's "Afraid of the Dark" stand-up comedy show in 2017. In order attract audiences, this study aims to investigate the types and functions of speech acts. The writer discovered that Noah's usage of Searle's five illocutionary speech acts may improve the material and humor he would present. Assertive speech acts are the ones most used by Noah. The writer found 9 functions of assertive speech acts in the show. The used of illocutionary speech acts on the subject that Noah has presented can help many people broaden their perspectives.</p> Cecillia Noveline Houtandi Adrallisman Copyright (c) 2024 e-LinguaTera https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/pr/index 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 2 349 357 The Perspective of BBC News Author Regarding Prabowo's Attitude: Language Appraisal Analysis https://jurnal.ubd.ac.id/index.php/pr/article/view/3264 <p>This research investigates how international media portray Prabowo's image, due to his personal branding during the election process, which has garnered public attention. Prabowo, a former military general with a controversial past, has been dubbed 'cuddly grandpa' by the youth. This study aims to analyze the attitude of BBC News authors towards Prabowo using Martin &amp; White (2005) language appraisal analysis, specifically focusing on the attitude subsystems of affect, judgment, and appreciation. A qualitative descriptive approach was employed, the researcher gathering the data from BBC News articles discussing the Indonesian election from February to March 2024. Nine relevant articles were identified on this platform. The researchers transcribed the data into word form and utilized the AntConc corpus software to identify sentences that contains the word ‘Prabowo,’ then the researchers categorized each sentence into attitude subsystem affect, judgment, and appreciation. The findings reveal that "<em>judgment</em>," with a total of 69 instances, was the most prevalent attitude. This was followed by "<em>appreciation</em>" with 32 instances and "<em>affect</em>" with 19 instances. Negative polarity was the most commonly used, appearing 67 times, while positive polarity was used 58 times. The distribution of polarity within each attitude subsystem is as follows: "<em>affect</em>" featured 5 positive and 14 negative polarity; "<em>judgment</em>" had 22 positive and 47 negative polarity; and "<em>appreciation</em>" showed 30 positive and 2 negative polarity. The authors effectively influenced readers by critically portraying Prabowo in their coverage. Despite this critical portrayal, they still acknowledged Prabowo's positive behavior and achievements through expressions of appreciation. Based on these results, the researchers concluded that BBC News articles were not biased in favor of Prabowo.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Chornelia Chelsa Yolanda Riris Mutiara Paulina Simamora Copyright (c) 2024 e-LinguaTera https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/pr/index 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 2 358 363 Portrayals of Feminism in “MOXIE” Movie directed by Amy Poehler https://jurnal.ubd.ac.id/index.php/pr/article/view/3262 <p>This research purpose is to potray feminism issue that happen in education aspects and handling about gender issues in their environment and experience women’s with feminism values useful in the future. In this research, writer analysis Moxie movie with main problem every character in their school and any problem their happens of that with any people in their school against their feminism community. This Movie tells a story women’s struggle for their rights in their school in context fashion, scholarship, and their right for choose something. Through of every women’s with different background they all cooperate for their position in their school and want feel comfort and don’t want get racism between gender. The writer does analysis this research used Liberal feminism by Betty Friedan methods. Every dialogue in this movie could be useful for this research as a proof relate with the theory and women’s life in the future. Through eight points writer find matches in every dialogue in scene of Moxie movie. After that the writer try to research that be stronger proof for this thesis analyze and useful for understands. The results of this research will explain about gender issue in our environment and women’s can break that without rebel with Liberal feminism method. The writer hopes result of this research can inspire and help any women’s in round of the world.</p> <p><em>Keywords : Feminism, liberal feminism, movie.</em></p> Tasya Gisele Irpan Ali Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 e-LinguaTera https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/pr/index 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 2 364 371 10.31253/lt.v4i2.3262 A Napoleon’s Dual Nature : A Jungian Analysis of Animal Farm https://jurnal.ubd.ac.id/index.php/pr/article/view/3269 <p>This research explores the psychological underpinnings of Napoleon, one of the characters in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Using a Jungian psychoanalytic approach, the study investigates the interplay between Napoleon's personality of shadow and persona. The research aims to understand how these psychological constructs are portrayed in the novel and the impact of the narrative’s plot development. Through a descriptive qualitative analysis, the novel acts as a source of primary data in the form of dialogues, statements, and descriptions. Meanwhile, secondary data was sourced from books, e-books, articles, and websites. Data was analyzed with the thematic data analysis method presented in the form of narrative text, opinions, and ideas in order to understand the concept of shadow and persona. The research found that Napoleon’s shadow personality emerged as a manifestation of his underlying motives, characterized by hypocrisy, cunning, ruthlessness, insecurities, and manipulation. Conversely, his persona is presented as visionary, responsible, infallible, benevolent, and full of potential. The study reveals the significant impact of Napoleon’s shadow and persona on the other animals on the farm. The two aspects of his personality lead to the division of idealism, loss of freedom, and manipulation of Farm’s history. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the novel’s theme and the psychological dynamics at play in totalitarian regimes.</p> Yakub Lyandi Putra Shenny Ayunuri Beata Copyright (c) 2024 e-LinguaTera https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/pr/index 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 4 2 372 380 10.31253/lt.v4i2.3269