Savings and Loans Information System Design Method Using Web-Based User Centered Design (UCD) On Cooperative gem Bakti Nusantara

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    Dicky Karuna Arisandy( 1 ) Rudy Arijanto( 2 )

    (1) Universitas Buddhi Dharma | Indonesia
    (2) Universitas Buddhi Dharma | Indonesia


Savings and Loan Applications Using Web Based User Centered Design aims to facilitate savings and loan transactions with effective and efficient, from the user side, the user can find out the data member in the form of total deposits and loans with easy access. After doing research Cooperative gem Bakti Nusantara, savings and loan process often experience delays due to reports that the old data collection and input process is slow. Which was made based saving web application to overcome the problems of savings and loan owned, it is expected that these applications and the cooperative members can easily find out information about savings and loans, and as well as to increase the number of new members.


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