Analysis of Quality of Internet Network Based on Wireless LAN Using Quality of Service (Qos) Method at Bj’s Coffee


  • Arpan Julian Nathanael Nababan Universitas Buddhi Dharma
  • Desiyanna Lasut


Analisis, Jaringan, Informasi, Quality Of Service


With advances in telecommunications and information technology, we have succeeded in presenting innovative technology which is also known as internet technology. To connect millions of computers around the world to each other, a tool is needed to connect the connections between computers. Internet network protocols often face common problems such as network crashes. Network losses are caused by various factors that cause problems in network protocols, leading to network damage. Quality of Service (QoS) is the network's ability to provide services for the data traffic that passes through it, so QoS analysis is needed to solve this problem. throughput, packet loss, and delay/latency are QoS Parameters. With Wireshark, the network activity process can be easily used and can capture and analyze all types of data packets in different log formats. The design in this research has 2 parts, namely network design and system design, where the author can create a proposed design that will be made and implemented at the research agency. The prototype simulation in this research is to carry out network configuration related to the settings and management of software and hardware in a computer network. This involves performing a series of steps to set the network parameters necessary for the network to operate properly.


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Author Biography

Desiyanna Lasut

Desiyanna Lasut, currently works as a permanent lecturer at the Informatics Engineering Study Program at Buddhi Dharma University.



How to Cite

Nababan, A. J. N., & Desiyanna Lasut. (2024). Analysis of Quality of Internet Network Based on Wireless LAN Using Quality of Service (Qos) Method at Bj’s Coffee. ALGOR, 6(1), 34–43. Retrieved from

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