The Analysis of Lexical Cohesion in Children's Book: Three Storybook by Dr. Seuss
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This research is aimed to analyzed the lexical cohesion found in the children’s book written by dr. Seuss. The purpose of this study is to analyze the finding lexical cohesion. Using library research method as the technique of collecting data, the data is downloaded and classifying each of the word into the right lexical cohesion types. A qualitative-descriptive method is use in this thesis to identify the types of lexical cohesion. The theory of Cohesion in English proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976). In this research the writer analyze three children’s book by dr. Seuss: The Cat in The Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and How the Grinch Stole the Christmas!. In the findings, there are 23 cases of repetition, 23 cases of synonym, 8 cases of antonymy, 4 cases of superordinate and 5 cases of collocation.
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