Forecasting Stock Prices of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., by Method (BOX-JENKINS)

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    M. latif Edo Arfian( 1 ) Paiaman Pardede( 2 ) Maurits Sipahutar( 3 ) Parulian Naibaho( 4 )

    (1) Universitas Mpu Tantular | Indonesia
    (2) Universitas Mpu Tantular | Indonesia
    (3) Universitas Mpu Tantular | Indonesia
    (4) Universitas Mpu Tantular | Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to find the most appropriate model for predicting future stock prices, and the analytical tool used is ARIMA. In this study, the authors used the time series data of the share price of PT BNI (Persero) Tbk. from January 3, 2017, to June 28, 2019, consisting of 594 working days from the database. The research found that the ARIMA model analysis (3,1,3) is the most appropriate model for predicting the share price of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, with the equation model: Yt = - 6.331988 + 1.714721Yt-1 - 0.149406 Yt-2 - 1.72221 Y t-3 + 0.858083 Yt-4 + 0.729283 t-1 - 0.845787 t-2 - 0.898101 t-3.


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How to Cite
Arfian, M. latif E., Pardede, P., Sipahutar, M., & Naibaho, P. (2021). Forecasting Stock Prices of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., by Method (BOX-JENKINS). Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis, 19(1), 191–205.

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