

  • Rinintha Parameswari Universitas Buddhi Dharma
  • Agus Kusnawan Universitas Buddhi Dharma
  • Daniel Yesaya Universitas Buddhi Dharma



Kata Kunci:

Shopping Dependence, Consumptive Behavior, Online Loans


With online lending, it makes it easier for consumers to shop online and this can be accessed quickly to fulfill their needs and desires. There are many promos given for online shopping through online shopping sites, including free shipping promos, price discounts, cashback on purchases and application features that are easy to understand, thus making consumers behave consumptively so that they are trapped in online borrowing.

Based on the results of research conducted regarding the Influence of Online Shopping Dependence and Consumptive Behavior on Online Lending.Several independent variables have an influence on the dependent variable on Online Loans, where the t-count Shopping Dependence is4,601greater than t-table 1.966, the t-count promotion value is 2.489 greater than t-table1,985, the t-count Consumptive Loans value is11,358greater than table1,985.F count =312.127probability value = 0.000 then F count > F table312.127is greaterthe confidence value was 0.000is smaller 0.05 The R2 multiple determination value is 93.0% of On Online Loans and the remaining 100% -93% = 7% excluding independent variable factors.


Keywords: Shopping Dependence, Consumptive Behavior, Online Loans


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Cara Mengutip

Parameswari, R., Agus Kusnawan, & Daniel Yesaya. (2024). English . Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis, 22(2), 239–249. https://doi.org/10.31253/pe.v22i2.2823

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